Brief CV
LHC and Philosophy

| last update: Feb 17, 2025 by
Schools, Workshops, Conferences:
(show on a map (incomplete))
See here
for a list of my talks since 2021.
- Lattice meets Continuum, Siegen, Germany (30 Sep – 4 Oct 2024)
as invited speaker
- Diagrams
2024, Münster, Germany (27 Sep – 1 Oct
- FSP CMS Meeting 2024, RWTH Aachen, Germany (25–27 Sep 2024)
as invited speaker
- RTG-2497 Annual Meeting 2024, Parkhotel Nümbrecht, Germany (9–11 Sep 2024)
- Hadronic physics and heavy quarks on the lattice, Dublin,
Ireland (4-7 Jun 2024)
as invited speaker
- Loops and Legs in Quantum
Field Theory, Wittenberg, Germany (14-19 Apr 2024)
as invited speaker
- EPS-HEP 2023, Hamburg,
Germany (20-25 Aug 2023)
- Methods of Effective Field Theory and Lattice Field Theory, Bad Honnef, Germany (09-21 July 2023)
as invited speaker
[Part 1]
[Part 2]
- LHCP 2023, Belgrade, Serbia (22-27 May 2023)
as invited speaker
- Pushing the Limits of Theoretical Physics, Mainz, Germany (08-12 May 2023)
- Principles in Physics,
BU Wuppertal, Germany (27-29 March 2023)
as co-organizer
- The Gradient
Flow Field Transformation, Trento, Italy (20–24 March 2023)
as co-organizer
- DPG Spring Meeting, Hannover, Germany (5–10 March 2023)
- Annual Meeting of the CRC TRR 257, Aachen, Germany
(1-2 March 2023)
- International Conference on Large-Scale Experiments –
Reflecting on Theories
and Practices, KIT Triangel, Karlsruhe, Germany (08-10 Dec 2022)
- Higgs 2022, Pisa, Italy (7-11 November 2022)
as invited speaker [talk]
- Resummation, Evolution, Factorization 2022, online (31 October – 4 November 2022)
as invited speaker
- RTG Annual Retreat, Wiehl, Germany (31 August – 2 September 2022)
as co-organizer
- Lattice 2022, Bonn, Germany (8-13 August 2022)
- International Spring School on the
Philosophy, History and Sociology of Particle Physics: The History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Large
Physics Experiments, Wuppertal, Germany (13-20 March 2022)
- DWQ@25, remote (13-17 Dec 2021)
invited speaker
- The 18th Workshop of the LHC Higgs Working Group, CERN/remote (1-3 Dec 2021)
- 14th Annual Helmholtz Alliance Workshop on "Physics at the Terascale",
DESY Hamburg/remote (23-24 Nov 2021)
- Computational Tools for High Energy Physics and Cosmology (CompTools2021),
Lyon/remote (22-26 Nov 2021)
co-organizer [proceedings]
- 109th Plenary ECFA meeting, CERN/remote (18-19 Nov 2021)
- Lattice 21, remote (26-30 Jul 2021)
- Forschung trifft Schule:
CERN Summer School, remote (12-16 Jul 2021)
- Virtual entities in science: a virtual workshop, remote (5, 12, and 19 Mar 2021)
2020 (remember Corona?)
- 2. Symposium "Didaktik der Elementarteilchenphysik", Münster (22-23 Nov 2019)
- KUTS11, München (20-22 Nov 2019)
- 105th Plenary ECFA meeting, CERN (14-15 Nov 2019)
- Physik-Symposium 2019: Unbestimmt und relativ? Das Weltbild der modernen Physik,
Nürnberg (20-22 Sep 2019)
invited speaker
- CMS Physics Object School 2019,
Aachen (16-20 Sep 2019)
invited speaker
- Forschung trifft Schule: CERN Summer School, CERN (21-27 Jul 2019)
invited lecturer [lecture]
- Workshop on SMEFT, Heidelberg (11-12 Jul 2019)
- 31st Rencontres de Blois, Blois, France (June 2-7, 2019)
invited speaker
- Simplicities & Complexities, Bonn, Germany (22-24 May 2019)
invited speaker
- DPG Frühjahrstagung, Aachen, Germany (25-29 Mar 2019)
- Dark Matter & Modified Gravity,
Aachen, Germany (6-8 Feb 2019)
- Kohärenz im Elementarteilchenphysik-Unterricht, Wuppertal, Germany (20-21 Oct 2018)
invited speaker
- Avicenna Workshop, Aachen, Germany (6-7 Oct 2018)
invited speaker
- Heavy Quarks through
the Looking Glass, Siegen, Germany (4-5 Oct 2018)
invited speaker [talk]
- Sommerakademie der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, Olang, Italy (2-15 Sep 2018)
invited lecturer
- International summer school on the
philosophy, history and sociology of particle physics (Particle physics
at the crossroads), Wuppertal, Germany (23-30 Jul 2018)
- KUTS9, Würzburg (16-18 Jul 2018)
- DPG Frühjahrstagung, Uni Würzburg (19-23 March 2018)
- Probing Physics Beyond the Standard Model with Precision, MITP Mainz (26 Feb-09 Mar 2018)
as "key participant"
- Naturalness, Hierarchy, and Fine Tuning, Aachen (28 Feb–02 Mar 2018)
- KUTS8, LPTHE Paris (24-26 Jan 2018)
- KET Jahresversammlung 2017, Bad Honnef (10–11 Nov 2017)
- Forschung trifft Schule: CERN Summer School, CERN (30 Jul-05 Aug 2017)
invited lecturer [lecture]
- KUTS7, Karlsruhe (17-19 Jul 2017)
- Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches (5-14 Jun 2017)
invited convener
- Standard Model at the LHC 2017, NIKHEF, Amsterdam (2-5 May 2017)
- Taming Unphysical Scales for Physical Predictions, Cambridge, UK (Mar 30-31, 2017)
- KUTS6, Aachen (23-25 Jan 2017)
- Bethe Forum:
Beyond the standard Higgs-system, Bonn (Nov 28-Dec 02, 2016)
invited speaker
- Symposium on Precision versus Energy, Present and Future Colliders, Karlsruhe (Nov 10-11, 2016)
invited speaker
- The 12th Workshop of the LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group, CERN (12-14 Oct 2016)
- Higgs Days at Santander 2016, Santander, Spain (Sep 19-23, 2018)
- Linear Collider Physics School, Frauenchiemsee, Germany (20-27 Jul 2016)
[map] [talk]
invited speaker
- Frühjahrsakademie der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, Annecy, France (11-18 Mar 2016)
invited lecturer
- KUTS4, Heidelberg (20-22 Jan 2016)
- The 11th Workshop of the LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group, CERN (13-15 Jan 2016)
- 8th Annual Helmholtz Alliance Workshop on "Physics at the Terascale",
DESY Hamburg (1-3 Dec 2014)
- ggH inclusive cross section meeting, CERN (18 Nov 2014)
- Effective Field Theories for Collider Physics, Flavor Phenomena and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking,
Schloss Waldthausen, Mainz (10-12 Nov 2014)
invited speaker
- KUTS II 2014,
DESY, Hamburg (Oct 20-22, 2014)
- Higgs Days at Santander 2014, Santander, Spain (Sep 8-12, 2014)
- Joint Belgian Dutch German Graduate School, Rolduc Abbey, Netherlands (25 Aug–5 Sep 2014)
invited lecturer [map]
- MIAPP Workshop: Challenges, Innovations and Developments in Precision Calculations for the LHC, Munich
(28 Jul-22 Aug 2014)
- SUSY2014: The 22nd International Conference on Supersymmetry
and Unification of Fundamental Interactions, Manchester, UK
(21-26 Jul 2014)
invited speaker
- Evidence, Discovery, Proof: Measuring the Higgs particle, University of South Carolina (25-26 April 2014)
invited speaker (via vidyo) [talk]
- Spring School on Physics and Philosophy 2014, Wuppertal
(26 Mar-4 Apr 2014)
Plenary Workshop, Bad Herrenalb, Germany (24-26 Feb 2014)
invited speaker
- Survey All Higgs Production and Decay Processes Campaign, CERN (13 Feb 2014)
- 7th Annual Helmholtz Alliance Workshop on "Physics at the Terascale",
Karlsruhe (2-4 Dec 2013)
- LHC Run I Aftermath – Where Theory meets Experiment, Bad Honnef, Germany (Sep 30-Oct 3, 2013)
- Higgs Days at Santander 2013, Santander, Spain (Sep 16-20, 2013)
- LHCP 2013, Barcelona, Spain
(13-18 May 2013)
invited speaker
- SUSY Workshop 2013, DESY Hamburg (6-8 May 2013)
Workshop: The first three years of the LHC, Schloss Waldthausen, Mainz (18-22 March 2013)
invited speaker
The Epistemology of Data Selection and Analysis Procedures in Physics, Wuppertal University (7-9 March 2013)
- DESY Theory Workshop: Lessons from the first phase of the LHC, DESY Hamburg (Sep 25-28, 2012)
invited speaker
- Higgs Days at Santander 2012, Santander, Spain (Sep 17-21, 2012)
invited speaker
- Summer School and Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond, Corfu, Greece (Sep 8-17, 2012)
invited speaker
- Higgs Hunting 2012, Orsay, France (Jul 18-20, 2012)
invited speaker
- Workshop of LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group at CERN, CERN, Geneva (May 24-24, 2012)
- Loops and Legs in Quantum Field
Theory 2012, Wernigerode, Germany (15-20 Apr 2012)
invited speaker
- Standard Model @ LHC 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark
(Apr 10-13, 2012)
as convenor of the Higgs session [map]
- Lake Louise Winter Institute, Lake Louise, Canada (19-25 Feb 2012)
invited speaker
- Modelling at the LHC, Wuppertal, Germany (26-28 Jan 2012)
invited speaker
- The Zürich phenomenology workshop: Higgs search confronts theory, Zürich
(9-11 Jan 2012)
invited speaker
- 5th annual Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale", Bonn (7-9 Dec 2011)
- KET Jahresversammlung, Bad Honnef (18-19 Nov 2011)
- Higgs Days at Santander 2011, Santander, Spain (19-23 Sep 2011)
invited speaker
- The TH-LPCC Summer Institute on LHC Physics, CERN (1 Aug - 2 Sep 2011)
- Standard Model Benchmarks at High Energy Hadron Colliders, DESY Zeuthen (15-17 Jun 2011)
invited speaker [map] [talk]
- DPG-Frühjahrstagung,
Karlsruhe (28 Mar-1 Apr 2011) [map]
- Spring School in Particle Physics and Philosophy, Wermelskirchen (16-25 Mar 2011)
- Loops in Quantum Field Theory,
Karlsruhe (14-15 Feb 2011) [map]
- Frankfurt Meeting
of the Helmholtz Alliance, Frankfurt (28 Jan 2011)
- 4th annual Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale", Dresden (1-3 Dec 2010)
- Higgs Days at Santander 2010, Santander, Spain (October 13-16, 2010)
invited speaker
- D0 collaboration summer Workshop 2010,
Marseille, France (Jul 29-Aug 04, 2010)
invited speaker [map]
[fotos] [talk]
- LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group,
CERN (July 5-6, 2010)
- Inauguration Workshop of the LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group, Universität Freiburg (April 12-13, 2010)
- Block course on perturbative QCD, Université Paris-Sud XI, Orsay, France (March 22-31, 2010)
invited lecturer [map]
[lecture 1]
[lecture 2]
- DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Bonn, (15-19 March 2010)
- Rencontres de Moriond, EW Interactions and Unified Theories,
La Thuile, Italy (March 6-13, 2010)
invited speaker [map]
- Higgs
production in gluon fusion and heavy quark annihilation, Kick-off meeting, Uni Wuppertal, Germany (March 1-2, 2010)
co-organizer [map]
- 3rd annual Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale", DESY Hamburg (November 11-13, 2009)
as co-convenor of the Higgs session
- RADCOR 2009 - 9th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections,
Ascona, Switzerland (25-30 October 2009)
- GDR Terascale@Heidelberg, Heidelberg (October 14-16, 2009)
invited speaker [talk]
- DESY Theory Workshop, Hamburg (September 29 - October 1, 2009)
- ATLAS-D Physics Workshop, Bonn (September 22-25, 2009)
invited speaker [talk]
- Higgs Days at Santander 2009, Santander, Spain (September 14-18, 2009)
invited speaker [talk]
- SM and BSM physics at the LHC (CERN Theory Institute), CERN (Aug 3-28, 2009)
Mini-workshop on fixed order multi-leg automatic NLO calculations, Wuppertal, Germany (June 2-3, 2009)
- UK HEP Forum - From the Tevatron to the LHC, Abingdon (Cosener's House), UK (May 7-8, 2009)
invited speaker
- Helmholtz Research School - Quark Matter Studies, Manigod, France (Feb 8-13, 2009)
invited lecturer
[Lecture 1]
[Lecture 2]
[Lecture 3]
[Lecture 4]
- Workshop on Higgs Boson Phenomenology, Zürich, Switzerland (Jan 7-9, 2009)
invited speaker
- 2nd Annual Workshop of the Helmholtz Alliance 'Physics at the Terascale',
Aachen, Germany (Nov 26-28, 2008) co-organizer
- KET Jahresversammlung, Bad Honnef (November 21-22, 2008)
- Alliance MC Meeting, Bonn (November 21, 2008)
- MSSM Higgs Physics at the LHC - Theory meets Experiment,
Santander, Spain (Oct 7-10, 2008)
[talk] [fotos]
invited speaker
- 40. Herbstschule
für Hochenergiephysik, Maria Laach (September 2-12, 2008)
invited lecturer
[Lecture 1]
[Lecture 2]
[Lecture 3]
- Loops
and Legs 2008, Sondershausen, Germany (April 20-25, 2008)
- DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Freiburg, Germany (Mar 3-7,
as convenor of the electro-weak theory session
- AIO/OIO School 2008 THEP,
Driebergen, Netherlands (28 Jan - 8 Feb 2008)
invited lecturer
- RADCOR 2007,
Florence, Italy (Oct 1-5, 2007) [talk]
- Advancing Collider Physics: from Twistors to Monte
Florence, Italy (Aug 27 - Oct 26, 2007)
(staying Sep 9-29, 2007)
- ILC Physics in Florence, Florence, Italy (Sep 12-14, 2007)
- SUSY 07,
Karlsruhe, Germany (Jul 26 - Aug 1, 2007)
[talk by P. Kant]
[talk by L. Mihaila]
- 6. Emmy-Noether Jahrestreffen, Potsdam, Germany (Jul
13-15, 2007)
- 200th
PhenClub, CERN (July 5, 2007) [talk]
invited speaker
- Four Seas Conference,
Iasi, Romania (May 29 - June 3, 2007)
invited lecturer
- DIS 2007,
Munich, Germany (Apr 16 - 20, 2007)
2007, DESY Zeuthen, Germany (25-30 March 2007)
invited speaker
SUSY/BSM Workshop, Bonn (22-23 Febuary 2007) [talk]
Higgs Workshop, Wuppertal, Germany (22-23 January 2007)
- Hansfest: Festkolloquium for Hans Kühn's 60. birthday
(22-23 Nov 2006)
invited speaker
- 5. Emmy-Noether Jahrestreffen, Potsdam, Germany (Jul 21-23,
- Physics
at the LHC, Cracow, Poland (3-8 July 2006)
invited speaker
- Loops and Legs
2006, Eisenach, Germany (23-28 April 2006)
Frühjahrstagung, Dortmund, Germany (28-31 March 2006)
as convenor of the section on phenomenology
- LHC-D QCD/EW Workshop, Karlsruhe, Germany
(9-10 March 2006)
- LHC-D Higgs Workshop, Karlsruhe, Germany
(7-8 March 2006)
- WHEPP9, Bhubaneswar,
India (3-14 January 2006)
invited speaker
Theory Workshop, Hamburg, Germany (27-30 Sep 2005)
invited speaker
- 4. Emmy-Noether Jahrestreffen, Potsdam, Germany (Jul 15-17, 2005)
Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches, France (2-20 May 2005)
2005, DESY Zeuthen, Germany (3-8 April 2005)
organizer and lecturer
Berlin (4-9 March 2005)
invited speaker
- YETI05, Durham
(IPPP), GB (5-8 January 2005)
invited speaker
- 3. Emmy-Noether Jahrestreffen, Potsdam, Germany (Jul 30-Aug 1, 2004)
Algebra Miniworkshop, Universität Karlsruhe, Germany (May 18-19,
- Loops
and Legs 2004, Zinnowitz (Usedom Island), Germany (April 25-30,
2004) [talk] [proceedings]
invited speaker
- Collider
Physics Workshop, Santa Barbara (Jan 12 - Apr 02, 2004) [talk]
Robert Harlander:
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