Robert Harlander

Institut für Theoretische Teilchenphysik und Kosmologie
Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften
RWTH Aachen University
52056 Aachen, Germany
phone: +49-241-80-27045
fax: +49-241-80-22187
Büro: 28A414, Campus Melaten


Brief CV





– Software –



LHC and Philosophy


by R. Harlander

aximate is a set of PERL routines that allows you to make simple animations – sorry: aximations. It was originally set up to make animated Feynman diagrams (see also here) based on axodraw (that's where the name comes from).

All the examples of the manual (see below) can be found in In order to run it, you need to put into the same directory. Then, for example:

$ ./ manual1 > manual1.tex
$ latex manual1
$ dvips manual1
$ ps2pdf
$ convert -delay 5 manual1.pdf manual1.gif
The resulting file manual1.gif is an animated gif which can be viewed in a browser, for example. Look into for more aximations (manual1, manual2, ...). That file is meant as a starting point for your own aximations.

aximate manual

Comments are welcome. In particular, if you create some new aximations, let me see them!

last updated on
Warning: filemtime(): stat failed for arc.html in /data/www/user/harlander/functions.php on line 91

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Jul 06, 2023 by RH

aximate (Robert Harlander)