Robert Harlander

Institut für Theoretische Teilchenphysik und Kosmologie
Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften
RWTH Aachen University
52056 Aachen, Germany
phone: +49-241-80-27045
fax: +49-241-80-22187
Büro: 28A414, Campus Melaten


Brief CV








LHC and Philosophy



The point object

Let us use the simplest object point in order to explain some of the essential features of aximate.

The position (or rather the start and the end position) of a point can be specified by the coordinates option:
   "coordinates" => [[$xstart,$ystart],[$xend,$yend]]
For example, the command
    point({"type" => "ccirc",
           "coordinates" => [[-100,-50],[30,20]]});
will draw a solid circle (a "bullet", if you wish) that moves from (-100,-50) to (30,20) along a straight line in a uniform motion.
The most general way to define coordinates though is to add the "polar" option:
   "coordinates" => [[$xstart,$ystart],[$xend,$yend]]
   "polar" => [[$rstart,$phistart],[$rend,$phiend]]
where $phistart,$phiend is to be given in degrees. The start and end coordinates will then be
   ($xstart,$ystart) + $rstart*(cos($phistart),sin($phistart))
   ($xend,$yend) + $rend*(cos($phiend),sin($phiend))
This makes it easy to move a point on a spiral, for example:
    point({"type" => "ccirc",
           "coordinates" => [[-100,-50],[30,20]],
           "polar" => [[10,0],[100,720]],
    point({"type" => "ccirc",
	   "color" => "Red",
	   "coordinates" => [[-100,-50],[30,20]],
	   "polar" => [[10,0],[50,1080]]});
point has many more options. If they are numeric, they can usually be evolved. For example, you may give the ccirc a color, change its radius, or replace ccirc by oval which introduces options like angle, width, or height. Here a few examples:
    point({"type" => "ccirc",
	   "color" => "Red",
	   "coordinates" => [[20,20],[-50,-50]],
	   "radius" => [[20],[1]]});
    point({"type" => "oval",
	   "angle" => [[20],[1000]],
	   "color" => "Blue",
	   "width" => [[10],[40]],
	   "coordinates" => [[-100,-50],[30,20]]});


	"type" => "ccirc",  # what to draw [ccirc,oval,goval,text]
	"coordinates" => [[0,0],[100,0]], # center for polar coords
	"polar" => [[0,0],[0,0]], # [r,phi] relative to coordinates
	"radius" => [[5]],  # radius of blob
	"width" => [[5]],   # width of oval
	"height" => [[10]], # height of oval
	"angle" => [[0]],     # angle for oval
	"text" => "",     # accompanying text
	"font" => "Helvetica",     # PostScript font
	"textpos" => [[10,90]],  # position of accompanying text
	"textangle" => [[0]], # rotate text
	"textmode" => "c", # how to align text
	"textsize" => [[2]], # size of text
	"greyscale" => [[.5]], # grayscale for goval
	"color" => "Black", # color
	"color1" => "Black", # inner color
	"color2" => "Black", # outer color
	"print" => 1,
	"bethere" => 0,
	"staythere" => 0,
	"interval" => [0,100]

aximate:point (Robert Harlander)