Robert Harlander

Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology
Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences
RWTH Aachen University
52056 Aachen, Germany
phone: +49-241-80-27045
fax: +49-241-80-22187
Office: 28A414, Campus Melaten


Brief CV








LHC and Philosophy


Master Topics for winter term 2024/2025

Click on the topic titles below to see more details. To apply, follow the instructions here, where you can also find topics from the other members of our institute. The slides of that presentation can be found here. In order to discuss the topics in more detail, come to my office 28A 414 on Friday, 12 July 2024, 10:15h.
The Standard Model in the Gradient-Flow Scheme

The gradient flow is a concept which provides a potential bridge between perturbative and non-perturbative physics. The crucial parameter switching between these two regimes is the flow time t. So far, its main application has been within QCD.

In this project, you will learn the concepts of the gradient flow, formulate the flow-equations in the Standard Model, and calculate observables in this scheme.

Related publications from our group: Examples for previous master's theses on this topic:
  • Jonas Kohnen (October 2023, RWTH Aachen)
  • Janosch Borgulat (April 2022, RWTH Aachen)
    Towards the Full Energy-Momentum Tensor in the Gradient Flow Formalism
  • Yannick Kluth (September 2018, RWTH Aachen)
    Gradient Flow and the Energy-Momentum Tensor
  • Fabian Lange (September 2017, RWTH Aachen):
    The Perturbative Gradient Flow at Higher Orders
  • Johannes Artz (June 2017, RWTH Aachen):
    Automatic approach to the perturbative gradient flow

Effective field theories and group theory

Effective Field Theories can describe physics beyond the Standard Model in a generic way. Their construction is algorithmic, but very cumbersome. In the past, we have developed a program that generates an effective field theory for general chiral fields.

In this project, you will generalize this algorithm to spontaneously broken gauge theories and derive effective theories for various phenomenologically relevant models. This will be useful for the interpretation of data collected at the LHC and future colliders, in particular in the light of possible new discoveries.

Related publications from our group: Previous master's theses on this topic:
  • Maximilian Rzehak (November 2023, RWTH Aachen)
    Representation of operators in effective field theories
  • Tim Kempkens (October 2021, RWTH Aachen)
    Automated Generation of EFT Operators
  • Joshua Rosaler (June 2020, RWTH Aachen)
    EFTGen: An Algorithm for Automatic Generation of Higher Dimensional Operators in Effective Field Theory

Higgs production at the LHC

The Higgs mechanism of the Standard Model is the minimal implementation of spontaneous symmetry breaking. A careful study of the underlying phenomenology may shed light into regions beyond the Standard Model.

In this project, you will build on long experience of our group in this field. You will theoretically study the production mechanisms of Higgs bosons beyond the Standard Model, in particular supersymmetric models, 2-Higgs-doublet models, or effective field theories.

Related publications from our group: Examples for previous master's theses on this topic:
  • Ruijia Yang (October 2022), Higgs Production beyond the Standard Model
  • Sebastian Rhode (April 2019), Higgs Production in Gluon Fusion with Higher-Dimensional Operators
  • Lukas Simon (October 2018), CP-mixing effects in Higgs-Strahlung

last updated on Jul 11, 2024 by RH