Brief CV
LHC and Philosophy

(associated programs)
RWTH Aachen University:
- winter term 2024/2025:
- Advanced Quantum Field Theory
[RWTH Moodle]
[RWTH Online]
- Lectures: Mondays 10:30-12:00 and Thursdays 10:30-12:00, both in 26C 402
- Exercises: Mondays 14:30-16:00 in 26C 402
- winter term 2023/2024:
- summer term 2024: sabbatical
- summer term 2023:
- winter term 2022/2023:
- Advanced Quantum Field Theory
[RWTH Moodle]
[RWTH Online]
- Lectures: Mondays 10:30-12:00 and Thursdays 10:30-12:00, both in 26C 402
- Exercises: Mondays 14:30-16:00 in 26C 402
- summer term 2022:
- Quantum Field Theory of Particle Physics II
[RWTH Moodle]
[RWTH Online]
- Lectures: Mondays 10:30-12:00 and Tuesdays 8:45-10:15, both in 26C 402
- Exercises: Tuesdays 10:30-12:00 in 26C 402
- winter term 2021/2022:
- summer term 2021:
- winter term 2020/2021:
- summer term 2020:
- winter term 2019/2020:
- summer term 2019:
- winter term 2018/2019:
- summer term 2018:
- winter term 2017/2018:
- summer term 2017: sabbatical
- winter term 2016/2017:
- summer term 2016:
Bergische Universität Wuppertal:
- winter term 2015/2016:
- summer term 2015:
- winter term 2014/2015:
- summer term 2014:
- winter term 2013/2014:
- summer term 2013:
- winter term 2012/2013:
- summer term 2012:
- winter term 2011/2012:
- summer term 2011: Forschungs-Freisemester
- winter term 2010/2011:
- summer term 2010:
- winter term 2009/2010:
- summer term 2009:
- winter term 2008/2009:
- summer term 2008:
- winter term 2007/2008:
- summer term 2007:
- winter term 2006/2007:
- summer term 2006:
- winter term 2005/2006:
Karlsruhe University:
- summer term 2005:
- winter term 2004/2005:
- summer term 2004:
- The perturbative gradient flow – Lecture 1+2
Methods of Effective Field Theory and Lattice Field Theory,
Bad Honnef (Germany)
11+13 Jul 2023
- Feynman-Diagramme
Aachen (Germany)
26-27 Jun 2023
- Schüler*innenuni 2022: Relativitätstheorie, RWTH Aachen University, 27/28 June 2022
- Forschung trifft Schule: CERN Summer School (Lehrerfortbildung),
CERN, 12–16 Jul 2021
- Forschung trifft Schule: CERN Summer School (Lehrerfortbildung),
CERN, 21–27 Jul 2019
- Forschung trifft Schule: CERN Summer School (Lehrerfortbildung),
CERN, 30 Jul – 05 Aug 2017
2 lectures [Lecture 1+2]
- Schul-Vorlesungen
für Physik, Uni Wuppertal (2006-2015)
- Joint Belgian Dutch German Graduate School, Rolduc Abbey, Netherlands (25 Aug–5 Sep 2014)
3 lectures + 2 tutorials on QFT [map]
- Helmholtz Research School
- Quark Matter Studies, Manigod, France (Feb 8-13, 2009)
[Lecture 1]
[Lecture 2]
[Lecture 3]
[Lecture 4]
- Weltmaschine Exhibition, Berlin, Germany (15.10. - 16.11.2008)
- 40. Herbstschule
für Hochenergiephysik, Maria Laach
(September 2-12, 2008) [lecture
1] [lecture 2]
[lecture 3]
- AIO/OIO School 2008
THEP, Driebergen, Netherlands (28 Jan - 8 Feb 2008)
- CAPP 2007, DESY
Zeuthen, Germany (25-30 March 2007) [lecture
1] [lecture
- CAPP 2005, DESY
Zeuthen, Germany (3-8 April 2005) [lecture
1] [lecture
- CERN Masterclass: Einführungsvortrag Elementarteilchenphysik
Robert Harlander:
-/- TTP
Karlsruhe -/- CERN
Theory -/- HET
last updated on Oct 26, 2024 by RH