------------------ Agenda DT session Sep-2005 - v2 ------------------ Agenda status 050914 Tuesday 050920 9:00 to 12:30, Council Chamber Wednesday 050921 16:00 to 19:30, 40-S2-D01 MU Barrel DT Chamber: Assembly of components and DTs: status/plans/mat. flow, MC production, LV-&HV-supplies, installation, preparations for magnet test, etc.: 40MHz modulation of raw times Carlos 15 min LV prototype validation tests Carlos/Matteo 10 min HV supply commissioning Paolo G. 10 min Services, cooling test Hans 10 min Installation, commissioning, schedules Alberto 15 min Madrid MC prod., LV- & HV-supplies, cables Carlos 20 min Electronics for cosmics challenge Carlos 15 min Minicrate commissioning at SX5 Marco Z. 15 min Torino DT prod. Silvia 10 min Aachen DT prod. Kerstin 10 min Legnaro DT prod. Ezio 10 min Madrid DT prod. Mary-Cruz 10 min ISR DT reception, test Jesus 10 min Procurement, material flow, critical items Marcos + all 15 min Bologna MC prod. Riccardo 10 min Padova MC prod. Flavio 10 min Status of cabling Fabio 10 min Drift velocity monitoring ch. Georg 15 min Impact of dead cells on trigger Stefano 15 min A.O.B. all 15 min Note: The sequence of the presentations is reshuffled because 1- Alberto and Carlos are only present on Tuesday. 2- The BMU-TB and the DTIC take place prior to the second part of the DT session. ---------------------------------------------------------------------