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Last modification: 8 Apr 2014

UHECR Monte Carlo production with PARSEC


We provide an exemplary production of UHECR data as plain text data files generated from isotropic source distributions, turbulent extragalactic magnetic fields, and one realization of a galactic magnetic field. For every parameterset 10000 UHECRs with energies above 5 EeV are provided. The data files contain the revision number of PARSEC with which the data is generated. Please contact us if you have additional requirements to this data.

Source model

As source model, we used an isotropic source distribution characterized by the parameters source density and maximum distance of the sources. For every realization of a parameter space point, a new distribution according to the parameters was created.

Extra galactic magnetic field model

The magnetic field model in PARSEC consists of a random walk model with parametrized propagation distance and a continuous energy loss approximation and a coherence length of 1 Mpc

Galactic magnetic field

The galactic magnetic field model used for the production features a composite field consisting of two components, a bisymmetric spiral field (BSS_S) and a dipole field.

Cosmic ray spectrum

The cosmic ray energy spectrum applied to the data is a broken power law spectrum according the Auger spectrum with the parameters:


For every parameters space point, 100 realizations have been created and the output has been written into a text file. The output has been zipped into an archive containing one archive with 100 realizations for every parameter space point. Below, you can download some individual files for testing as well as the full parameter space.

The plots show realizations of some parameter space points.