PARSEC Logo of the RWTH University

Last modification: 8 Apr 2014


These instructions assume installation on a Linux system. Installation on MacOS is known to be more involved, as the installation of the required libraries from source might be necessary.

PARSEC is known to work on Scientific Linux 5 and Debian GNU/Linux Squeeze, Wheezy, and Jessie - it will probably also work on any other Linux. Please notify us if you have successfully used it on any other OS.


Download the latest developer version of PARSEC from the developer repository using Mercurial or get a stable release from. You can find information about existing issues with PARSEC and report bugs at the developer page.


PARSEC depends on

and uses CMake as build tool. While Boost and the GSL are probably already installed,respectively available from the repository of your Linux distribution, PXL has to be installed. Vispa is not required, but recommended as GUI.

Compilation and Installation Commands

After downloading the latest version of PARSEC. A, enter the directory and type

$ make && make install

This assumes that the PXL libraries can be found using pkg-config. You may have to add something like

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/foo/bin
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:$HOME/foo/lib/pkgconfig
export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/foo/lib/python2.6/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH

to your ~.bashrc

The installation should work without errors. Please report any problems, difficulties or success stories to