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Last modification: 8 Apr 2014

Lensing Example using Healpy

In this example a map generated with healpy is transfored by the galactic magnetic lens. .

Example map
import healpy
from parsec import MagneticLens
import pylab as pl 
#load lens
magneticLens = MagneticLens('/path/to/lens.cfg')

#generate some pattern
l = [1,1,0,0]
v = abs(healpy.synfast(l, nside=64))
v /= sum(v)
healpy.mollview(map=v, sub=211, title='Unlensed image')

rigidity = 5 # Eev
magneticLens.transformModelVector(v, rigidity)
healpy.mollview(map=v, sub=212, title='Lensed image')